Saturday, November 21, 2009

Amy touched base Amy moment! #1

November 17, 2009

I was out looking at real estate today with some friends from my office. There was the usual tedious commentary and commiseration of the pricing, boredom in the market, etc. etc...I am even bored discussing how boring it is! The day, however, became more interesting.

Janet my colleague is supposedly writing a piece for the Local Newspaper. I inquired as to her progress and her reply was, "I think that I am going to have to pay someone to get me writing again." She expressed that she was rusty, regarding her writing skills and had not contacted her mentor, a journalist who offered a 'brush up' workshop, in several months.

At that moment, a text came in and it was from Janet's Mentor, the Journalist. Janet exclaimed, "How strange, what a coincidence!" Not really, I thought as we know by now that I am suspicious of coincidence. The theme then continued.....

We stopped at a favorite spot Bellwood bakery for a quick lunch (they have great tuna sandwiches). Bonnie, Janet and I struggled with the new, pain in the ass, hard to figure out but I am thrilled they take credit card parking meter! Janet turned to the woman who was waiting to simply deposit her quarters and said, "Aren't you glad that you landed behind Lucy and Ethel here?" We were laughing as we walked into the bakery and then noticed the television on the wall... THE I LOVE LUCY SHOW WAS ON TV!

Janet was stunned, Bonnie crunched her eyebrows and said in her usual manner, "That is sooo weird! I shrugged, which is my way of saying, "Welcome to my world."

The finale occurred when I got in my car a few moments later to go see my spiritual teacher, a Shaman.

I turned on the radio and the song that was just beginning was Aretha Franklin singing 'SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR ME'!

I looked up this time and clasped my hands together. I said out loud,"You know that I will Amy and I miss you too. Thank you for letting me know that you're here."

I drove off belting out Aretha at the top of my lungs.

Love and Light,
Buddish girl

Don't miss the signs,they are like little threads that begin to weave a pattern for you. Perhaps you should be suspicious of coincidence.


  1. okay buddhagirl,
    i am your first official fan... may this be the start of something huge... you are so talented and tremendously creative. may this be the push you need to follow through and finish one of your many gifted projects.. we share a lot of life lessons- our biggest is the loss of our sister and best friend. Since i'm ahead of you on this one, I can promise you it definately gets less painful as time passes. but the coincidences and messages are ongoing. good luck and love. me
    P.S maybe you will inspire me to actually blog in public!!! Who knows?
